Data-informed insights for better teaching and learning
We conduct high-quality research, build capacity through technical assistance, and develop tech-supported innovations that improve teaching and accelerate and deepen learning. We integrate our expertise in education issues, student populations, and research methods to produce evidence-based insights.
For more than 50 years, we have been a leader in helping strategic partners find out what works, for whom, how, and why. We collaborate with federal, state, foundation, nonprofit, and commercial partners to improve teaching, education policies, and student learning. Our goal: to reduce barriers and optimize outcomes for all students. Contact us to learn more.
160+ Researchers, technical assistance specialists, and other team members
110+ Projects
$43MAnnual revenue
“In addition to our expertise, we are good partners who spend the time to understand the needs of our clients and build relationships with the teachers and communities we support, so our findings and services are relevant and impactful.”
Shari GolanPresident, SRI Education Division
Our services
Real-world impact
The cancellation of REL Appalachia
SRI has worked shoulder-to-shoulder with educators and education leaders in the Appalachian region to help improve teaching and learning.
Reimagining Instructional Coaching in Early Education (RICiEE)
SRI is building the next generation of tools to support early childhood educators. Reimagining Instructional Coaching in Early Education (RICiEE) is an ongoing initiative that aims to expand access to…
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Our experts help education agencies, philanthropic organizations, and commercial clients find evidence-based solutions to pressing educational issues.
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SRI Education’s quarterly newsletter is an engaging, shareable collection of new education research, resources, tools, and multimedia content. Sign up to explore the latest news and findings in early childhood care and education, K-12, postsecondary education, and beyond.
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Recent publications
Balancing Priorities: Foster Parents’ Child Care Search and Selection Process
This brief presents findings from a foster parent survey about how foster parents navigate the process of finding ECE and the factors they prioritize when selecting an ECE program.
Early Care and Education Is an Essential Component of the Foster Care System: A View From Arkansas
This brief presents findings from a foster parent survey about the impact of ECE on their ability to accept new foster placements and the challenges they face in searching for ECE.
Observing Classrooms Through a Digital Lens: Examining the Reliability and Feasibility of Video Observations in Pre-kindergarten Classrooms
The Early Childhood Classroom Observation (ECCO) study was designed to better understand how video recordings can support high-quality measurement of pre-kindergarten classrooms, using two common measures of early learning programs, CLASS and ECERS-3. The study team compared the reliability of observations gathered through video and live (in-person) classroom observations.