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Child Find ACCESS: Advancing Community-Centered, Equity-Focused Child Find Systems & Supports
For the Child Find ACCESS project, SRI Education is implementing a community-based, tailored approach to improving child find systems.
Grit Denker
Senior Computer Scientist, Computer Science Laboratory
Preschool Development Grants Birth-5 Technical Assistance (PDG B-5 TA) Center
The PDG B-5 TA Center delivers technical assistance to support states in building, enhancing, and expanding birth through age 5 mixed delivery systems and high-quality early childhood programs and services.
Alternate Assessment Design – Math and Reading
SRI worked with two state consortia to design items for alternate assessments. This work advanced how the learning of students with significant cognitive disabilities is assessed.
iSTEM: Impacts of Inclusive STEM High Schools on Student Outcomes
SRI Education leads a first-of-its-kind longitudinal study on the schools’ effectiveness in Texas, North Carolina and Ohio.
Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) Center
The ECO Center assisted state agencies in building measurement systems for programs serving infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with disabilities and their families. The center provided technical assistance to support states in developing high-quality child and family outcome measurement systems.
Virtual Insertion: Robust Bundle Adjustment Over Long Video Sequences
Our goal is to circumvent one of the roadblocks of using existing bundle adjustment algorithms for achieving satisfactory large-area structure from motion over long video sequences, namely, the need for sufficient visual features tracked across consecutive frames.
Performance Assessment Links In Science (Pals): On-Line, Interactive Resources
We will discuss the role performance assessments can play in education reforms, suggest how technology expands the ways in which educators can access and use standards-based assessments and more.