National Evaluation of Writing Project Professional Development: Year 2 Report


Gallagher, H. A., Woodworth, K. R., Bosetti, K. R., Cassidy, L., McCaffrey, T., Yee, K., … & Penuel, W. R. (2011). National evaluation of writing project professional development. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.


Year 2 report on SRI’s examination of changes in students’ writing proficiency, students’ writing practices, teachers’ instructional practices, and teachers’ professional communities in middle schools that have formed partnerships with Local Writing Project sites.

In 2006, SRI International (SRI) was awarded the contract to conduct the national evaluation, focusing on partnership work between sites and schools serving middle grades (i.e., schools of any grade configuration that include seventh and eighth grade). This is the second annual report from that evaluation. We begin the report with a brief review of the conceptual framework, the design, and the sample. Greater detail on the study design and analysis is found in the first annual report (Gallagher, Penuel, Shields & Bosetti, 2008).

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