Haiwen Wang

Senior Principal Education Researcher and Evaluation Methods Lead

Haiwen Wang, PhD, has expertise in quantitative research methods and extensive experience leading the design and execution of randomized control trials and quasi-experimental design studies for evaluations of teaching quality, school reform, STEM and digital learning programs. Her research interest also includes understanding moderating and mediating factors to program impact.

Wang’s current work includes a number of federally funded randomized controlled trials evaluating the impact and implementation of education programs, such as New Teacher Center’s EIR expansion, i3 scale-up and SEED grant studies, and the IES-funded replication study of ASSISTments online mathematics homework support. She is also investigating the impacts of the adoption of 1:1 technology in the Apple and ConnectED Research and CoolThink@JC, a computational thinking curriculum in Hong Kong. Wang also co-leads SRI’s evaluation methods working group.

Wang recently completed an NSF-funded study examining the effect of attending inclusive STEM high schools on student high school and postsecondary STEM outcomes, as well as moderators and mediators to these outcomes. Her past research at SRI also includes the evaluation of school reform programs, such as the Texas High School Project and San Francisco Bay Area KIPP schools; teacher professional development programs, such as the National Writing Project and Florida Master Teacher Initiative; state policy, such as California’s English Learner reclassification policy; online learning programs, such DreamBox, Reasoning Mind; and online learning in general.

Before joining SRI, Wang worked for the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST) at the University of California, Los Angeles. There, she participated in a series of studies evaluating different aspects of standard-based performance assessments and how different instructional interventions affect student performance on these assessments. Her previous work also includes evaluating the impact of grade retention and ability grouping/academic tracking on student achievement.

Wang has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals, such as AERJ, AERA Open, Science Education, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, and Educational Assessment, as well as numerous presentations at SREE and AERA.

Wang received her PhD and MA in quantitative research methods in education from the University of California, Los Angeles, and her BA in English from Tianjin University in China.

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