The Organization as a Filter of Institutional Diffusion


Penuel, W. R., Frank, K. A., Sun, M., Kim, C. M., & Singleton, C. A. (2013). The organization as a filter of institutional diffusion. Teachers College Record, 115(1).



Institutional theories sometimes characterize the normative influence of institutions as diffusing like waves and as exerting uniform pressures on individuals. This article contributes to a growing literature on the microfoundations of institutions, investigating how intraorganizational networks mediate the diffusion of institutions on teachers’ instructional practices.

Purpose/Objective/Research Question/Focus of Study

This study focused on the normative influence of reading policy on teaching practice in the early 2000s. We chose to focus on reading during this period, which was marked by an unusual level of policy coherence. Federal and state agencies, as well as school districts, implemented a number of policies and programs to encourage teachers to follow the National Reading Panel’s (2000) recommendations to emphasize basic skills development in reading instructional practices.

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