Rebecca A. Schmidt

Senior Education Researcher, SRI Education

Rebecca Schmidt has more than 10 years of quantitative research experience in education. Schmidt has expertise in research design, including randomized controlled trials, quasi-experimental designs, and descriptive studies. Her research interests are at-risk, minority, and rural populations; inequality in educational experiences; and teacher quality.

Schmidt is a principal investigator on two randomized controlled trials evaluating new teacher induction supports in seven large districts. She also has led studies describing the implementation of federal programs to support migratory youth and rural populations, summarizing the research on nonacademic supports for postsecondary success in high-poverty rural locales, and comparing student outcomes for virtual and place-based courses.

Schmidt earned her PhD in K–12 education policy from the Peabody School of Education at Vanderbilt University. In her dissertation research, she examined the relationships between ability grouping, teacher practices and beliefs, and student outcomes. At Vanderbilt, Schmidt also worked on the project Middle School Math in the Institutional Setting of Teaching (MIST), examining district supports for middle school mathematics teachers to improve their instructional practice. Before entering Vanderbilt, Schmidt was a research analyst in the Chicago Public Schools Department of Applied Research. She evaluated programs and policies in Chicago and their impact on student achievement.

Schmidt also holds a master’s degree in social work and social policy from the University of Chicago and a bachelor’s degree in creative writing and psychology from Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota.

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