Artificial Intelligence

Working across disciplines to deliver on the promise of AI

SRI has engaged in leading-edge artificial intelligence research for more than 50 years. We created the AI Center, one of the earliest labs focused on AI, where we delivered world-changing advances like the first mobile robot with the ability to perceive and reason, commercial quality speech recognition, and the original Siri virtual personal assistant.

Today, AI technology — and the creation of new AI technology — are core to the research of many groups across SRI. Our researchers collaborate to build systems that sense, model, and learn to create ever more capable applications. Our approach is human-centered, emphasizing system transparency and explainability to address the critical issues of predictability and reliability of AI-based systems.

Real-world impact

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Core AI technologies and applications

Bioinformatics databases

BioCyc database collection

A comprehensive website for sharing fundamental information about biochemical pathways and genomes with researchers around the world

EcoCyc: encyclopedia of E. coli genes and metabolism

A bioinformatics database that describes the genome, metabolic network, and regulatory network of Escherichia coli

Recent publications
