SRI Introduces Novel Synthetic Chemistry System at SLAS 2020

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SRI Biosciences Chief Strategy Officer Nathan Collins, Ph.D., will present an overview of SynFini, the company’s fully automated, end-to-end synthetic-chemistry system, at the Society for Laboratory Automation & Screening (SLAS) 2020 Conference. The SynFini platform is designed to accelerate chemical discovery and development, and thereby bring new drugs to the clinic more quickly and affordably. Dr. Collins will provide a comprehensive overview of SynFini and its components, as well as examples of how the system has been applied to date. Dr. Collins will also discuss application of the SynFini Suite in AI-guided chemical discovery.

Session Title: Automating Chemistry in the Age of AI

Podium Presentation: SynFini: An Automated Chemical Synthesis Platform

Date/Time: Monday, January 27, 2020, 4:00 – 4:30 p.m. Pacific

Location: San Diego Convention Center, Room 6F

The same day, Peter Madrid, Ph.D., will provide a detailed overview of a recent SynFini application.

Session Title: Poster Presentations – Session B

Poster Presentation: Rapid Machine Learning Route Design and Automated Synthesis of Drug-like Molecules Demonstrated by the Continuous Multistep Synthesis of Three Nucleoside Antivirals in One Day (#1291-B)

Date/Time: Monday January 27, 2020, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Pacific

Location: San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A-C

Learn more about SynFini:

Orchestrating a Chemical Revolution

SynFini video

SynFini case study

SRI International

SRI International creates world-changing solutions making people safer, healthier and more productive. SRI, a research center headquartered in Menlo Park, California, works primarily in advanced technology and systems, biosciences, computing and education. SRI brings its innovations to the marketplace through technology licensing, spin-off ventures and new product solutions.

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