BLADE: An Attack-Agnostic Approach for Preventing Drive-By Malware Infections


Lu, L., Yegneswaran, V., Porras, P., & Lee, W. (2010, October). Blade: an attack-agnostic approach for preventing drive-by malware infections. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and communications security (pp. 440-450).


Web-based surreptitious malware infections (i.e., drive-by downloads) have become the primary method used to deliver malicious software onto computers across the Internet. To address this threat, we present a browser independent operating system kernel extension designed to eliminate driveby malware installations. The BLADE (Block All Drive-by download Exploits) system asserts that all executable files delivered through browser downloads must result from explicit user consent and transparently redirects every unconsented browser download into a nonexecutable secure zone of disk. BLADE thwarts the ability of browser-based exploits to surreptitiously download and execute malicious content by remapping to the file system only those browser downloads to which a programmatically inferred user-consent is correlated, BLADE provides its protection without explicit knowledge of any exploits and is thus resilient against code obfuscation and zero-day threats that directly contribute to the pervasiveness of today’s drive-by malware. We present the design of our BLADE prototype implementation for the Microsoft Windows platform, and report results from as extensive empirical evaluation of its effectiveness on popular browsers. Our evaluation includes multiple versions of IE and Firefox, against 1,934 active malicious URLs, representing a broad spectrum of web-based exploits not plaguing the Internet. BLADE successfully blocked all drive-by malware install attempts with zero false positives and a 3% worst-case performance cost.

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