Advances in group III-nitride-based deep UV light-emitting diode technology


Kneissl, M. A.; Kolbe, T.; Chua, C. L.; Kuller, V.; Lobo, N.; Stellmach, J.; Knauer, A.; Rodriguez, H.; Einfeldt, E.; Yang, Z. H.; Johnson, N. M.; Weyers, M. Advances in group III-nitride-based deep UV light-emitting diode technology. Semiconductor Science & Technology. 2011 January; 26 (1): 014036.


Applications for UV light emitting diodes (LEDs) are discussed and the state-of-the-art in the area of InAlGaN UV LED technology is being reviewed. Performance limiting factors for high efficiency UV LEDs are discussed and advances in the development of deep UV emitters are presented.

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