Authentication in the clouds: a framework and its application to mobile users


Chow, R.; Jakobsson, M.; Niu, Y.; Shi, E.; Molina, J.; Masuoka, R.; Song, Z. Authentication in the clouds: a framework and its application to mobile users. ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW); 2010 October 8; Chicago, IL. NY: ACM; 2010; 1-6.


The cloud computing paradigm is a natural fit for mobile security. Typical handsets have input constraints and practical battery limitations, which must be respected by mobile security technologies in order to be effective. We describe a framework for supporting authentication decisions based on a flexible authentication framework we call TrustCube (to manage the authentication infrastructure) and on a behavioral authentication approach referred to as Implicit Authentication (to translate user behavior into authentication scores.) The combination results in a new authentication paradigm for effortless and power-aware authentication of users of mobile technologies and promises improvements in user privacy.

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