Capturing mobile telepresence through logging and video shadowing: a two-phase study design


Isaacs, E.; Szymanski, M. H. Capturing mobile telepresence through logging and video shadowing: a two-phase study design. Field Methods. Published online January 2013.


We used a two-phase study design that incorporated a novel video shadowing approach to learn how close-knit groups use technology to stay connected while mobile and to identify their unmet needs. In the first phase, we conducted a logging study with small groups in which each member logged all their interactions over 3 days, enabling us to identify suitable groups for the second, video shadowing phase. In the second phase, we separately observed and video recorded each member of the selected groups over the same half-day period as they connected in both mobile and stationary settings, a novel approach that others have been reluctant to try. This targeted shadowing approach enabled us to gain a rich understanding of the groups interactions across multiple media and devices that would not be possible using other indirect methods.

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