SRI International and the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (2013). Education & Learning Program: PreK-3 Professional Development. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.
The McKnight Foundation and its partners are working to increase the percentage of successful 3rd-grade readers — especially among under served populations such as dual-language learners, students experiencing poverty, and students of color. This evaluation brief describes professional development in McKnight’s grantee school sites, highlighting the benefits and challenges while offering recommendations for expanding and improving development opportunities for educators.
This brief describes the PD in the E&L schools in the 2012–13 school year, highlights its benefits and challenges, and offers recommendations for improving and expanding the PD.
The findings are from 54 interviews conducted in spring 2013 with district and school administrators, PreK–3 teachers (including dual language and English language teachers), and literacy coaches in the three districts and five schools with an E&L Program implementation grant, 1 and with three UEI trainers. The perspectives of the interviewees may not represent the full population of the staffs in these schools.