Designing a cross-channel information management tool for workers in enterprise task forces


Convertino, G.; Kairam, S.; Hong, L.; Suh, B.; Chi, E. H. Designing a cross-channel information management tool: for workers in enterprise task forces. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI); 2010 May 26-28; Rome, Italy. NY: ACM; 2010; 103-110.


This paper presents the design process of a cross-channel information management tool for busy professionals in enterprise task-forces of a large IT services enterprise. We conducted three rounds of investigation: we characterized their work practices and needs; we analyzed key requirements for a content management tool and used paper prototypes to specify an initial set of these requirements; then we developed a software prototype that was evaluated by the professionals in the field. This design research was aimed at studying and supporting the information management needs of the knowledge workers who participate in multiple ad-hoc task forces. Our professional task forces performed projects such as creating strategic business alliances or writing large business proposals. We found that they faced the challenge of managing a large amount of content and multiple information channels. We designed and evaluated an information management tool that addresses this challenge.

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