Mail2Wiki: low-cost sharing and early curation from email to Wikis


Hanrahan, B.; Bouchard G.; Convertino, G.; Weksteen T.; Kong, N.; Archanbeau C.; Chi, E. H. Mail2Wiki: low-cost sharing and early curation from email to wiki. Accepted paper for the 5th International Conference on Communities & Technologies (C&T 2011); 2011 June 29 – July 2; Brisbane, Australia.


In this design paper we motivate and describe the Mail2Wiki system, which enables low-cost sharing and early curation from email to wikis by knowledge workers in the enterprise. We aim to aid adoption of enterprise wikis and thus enable more efficient knowledge sharing and reuse. We present a design rationale grounded in prior empirical work, the design of the system, and the evaluation of the user interface. The system includes two alternative front-ends to enable incremental adoption by workers who are currently using email to share with their communities.

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