Soft matter, biological materials and biomedical materials synthesis, characterization and applications


Nolte, A. J.; Stafford, C. M.; Li, T.; Yoo, P. J.; Harding, J.; Lin-Gibson, S.; Evans, J. S.; Shiba, K.; Hellmich, C.; Wegst, U. G. K.; Buehler, M. J.; Narayan, R.; Kiesel, P.; Nolte, D.; Fan, X.; Zillman, M., editors. Soft matter, biological materials and biomedical materials synthesis, characterization and applications; MRS Symposium Proceedings of 2010 MRS Fall Meeting vol. 1301. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2011.


This volume contains the joint proceedings of four symposia: Symposium V, Harnessing Instabilities in Soft Material Films and Interfaces; Symposium NN, Biomineralization and Bioinspired Inorganic and Inorganic/Organic Materials; Symposium OO, Multiscale Mechanics of Hierarchical Biological, Bioinspired, and Biomedical Materials; and Symposium PP, Materials and Sensors for Biomedical Applications. These symposia explore a common theme of how biological and soft material properties may be harnessed to build new structural features or elicit useful structural responses, either to understand the fundamental chemistry and mechanical principles, or to design practical sensors and metrology tools.

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