PARC Forum: The AI boom and its impact on society

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Bloomberg’s Parmy Olson joined SRI’s Patrick Lincoln to discuss the future of AI and her new book, Supremacy: AI, ChatGPT, and the Race that Will Change the World.

SRI’s PARC Forum brings together some of the world’s leading thinkers for conversations at the intersection of technology, business, and society.

In this video, Parmy Olson, a Bloomberg technology columnist and the author of Supremacy: AI, ChatGPT, and the Race that Will Change the World, discussed AI’s transformative impact on society. She is joined by Patrick Lincoln, President of SRI’s Information and Computing Sciences division.

Register now for our next PARC Forum for an eye-opening discussion about the health of our oceans with Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Julie Packard.

“It really comes down to whether the investment is made to put safeguards in place.” — Parmy Olson

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