Hendrix’s Model for Simultaneous Actions and Continuous Processes: An Introduction and Implementation


Lowrance, John D. and Friedman, Daniel P. Hendrix’s Model for Simultaneous Actions and Continuous Processes: An Introduction and Implementation. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, vol. 9, pp. 537-581, 1977.


This paper presents a self-contained introduction and implementation description to a simulation system for modeling simultaneous actions and continuous processes (Hendrix, 1973). The essence of the system is described by a portion of its abstract: A new methodology for the construction of world models is presented. The central feature of this methodology is a mechanism which makes possible the modeling of (1) simultaneous, interactive processes, (2) processes characterized by a continuum of gradual change, (3) involuntarily activated processes (such as the growing of grass) and (4) time as a continuous phenomena. and by a recent review, Gaines (1975): This is a fascinating paper that will be of interest outside the ā€œartificial intelligenceā€ (AI) context in which it is written, from those concerned with simulating and controling multi-element systems to those interested in operational definitions of concepts such as ā€œcausality.ā€

Three robot world models are incrementally developed, each introducing a new modeling concept. World models, including a robot world (with sample output), electrical world, and a Turing world are also presented. The interactive operating environment presented permits the user to inspect and alter the run-time structure. A detailed account of the implementation is presented.

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