Author: Andreas Kathol
Effects of Vocal Effort and Speaking Style on Text-Independent Speaker Verification
We study the question of how intrinsic variations (associated with the speaker rather than the recording environment) affect text-independent speaker verification performance.
Distinguishing Deceptive from Non-Deceptive Speech
We present results from a study seeking to distinguish deceptive from non-deceptive speech using machine learning techniques on features extracted from a large corpus of deceptive and non-deceptive speech. We present current results comparing the performance of acoustic/ prosodic, lexical, and speaker-dependent features and discuss future research directions.
Speech Translation for Low-Resource Languages: The Case of Pashto
We present a number of challenges and solutions that have arisen in the development of a speech translation system for American English and Pashto, highlighting those specific to a very low resource language.
Limited-Domain Speech-to-Speech Translation between English and Pashto
This paper describes a prototype system for near-real-time spontaneous, bidirectional translation between spoken English and Pashto.