Author: Eric Yeh
Automatic Measures for Evaluating Generative Design Methods for Architects
We describe the expectations architects have for design proposals from conceptual sketches, and identify corresponding automated metrics from the literature.
Outcome-Guided Counterfactuals for Reinforcement Learning Agents from a Jointly Trained Generative Latent Space
We present a novel generative method for producing unseen and plausible counterfactual examples for reinforcement learning (RL) agents based upon outcome variables that characterize agent behavior.
Bridging the Gap: Converting Human Advice into Imagined Examples
We present an approach that converts human advice into synthetic or imagined training experiences, serving to scaffold the low-level representations of simple, reactive learning systems such as reinforcement learners.
Interestingness Elements for Explainable Reinforcement Learning through Introspection
The framework uses introspective analysis of an agent’s history of interaction with its environment to extract several interestingness elements regarding its behavior.
Explanation to Avert Surprise
We present an explanation framework based on the notion of explanation drivers —i.e., the intent or purpose behind agent explanations. We focus on explanations meant to reconcile expectation violations and enumerate a set of triggers for proactive explanation.
An Annotated Corpus and Method for Analysis of Ad-Hoc Structures Embedded in Text
We describe a method for identifying and performing functional analysis of structured regions that are embedded in natural language documents, such as tables or key-value lists.
Depression and self-focused language in structured interviews with older men
The spontaneous speech obtained during structured interviews of 26 depressed and nondepressed older men, an as-yet little studied population, was analyzed.
Language Analytics for Assessing Brain Health: Cognitive Impairment, Depression and Pre-Symptomatic Alzheimers Disease
We present data demonstrating how brain health may be assessed by applying data-mining and text analytics to patient language.
Learning to Ask the Right Questions
Asking questions can clarify concepts, test hypotheses, add missing information, or provide additional knowledge to facilitate learning. The last item motivates the work described in this paper.
Efficient online learning and prediction of users’ desktop actions
We investigate prediction of users’ desktop activities in the Unix domain. We show that simple efficient many-class learning can perform well for action prediction, significantly improving over previously published results and baselines.
Learning Alignments and Leveraging Natural Logic
We present a machine learning approach to alignment scoring, a stochastic search procedure, and a new tool that finds deeper semantic alignments, allowing rapid development of semantic features over the aligned graphs.
Angler: Collaboratively Expanding your Cognitive Horizon
The tool helps the group through the process of forming consensus, while preserving and quantifying differing ways of thinking. Angler provides a Web-based collaborative environment that allows users distributed by both time and geography to assemble in teams, with the help of a facilitator.