Author: Han-Pang Chiu
Sub-Meter Vehicle Navigation Using Efficient Pre-Mapped Visual Landmarks
This paper presents a vehicle navigation system that is capable of achieving sub-meter GPS-denied navigation accuracy in large-scale urban environments, using pre-mapped visual landmarks.
Precise Vision-Aided Aerial Navigation
This paper proposes a novel vision-aided navigation approach that continuously estimates precise 3D absolute pose for aerial vehicles, using only inertial measurements and monocular camera observations.
Virtual Insertion: Robust Bundle Adjustment Over Long Video Sequences
Our goal is to circumvent one of the roadblocks of using existing bundle adjustment algorithms for achieving satisfactory large-area structure from motion over long video sequences, namely, the need for sufficient visual features tracked across consecutive frames.
Mining Structure Fragments for Smart Bundle Adjustment
In this work we show that, when using conjugate gradient solvers, there is a computational advantage in “grouping” factors corresponding to sets of points (fragments) that are co-visible by the same set of cameras.
Constrained Optimal Selection for Multi-Sensor Robot Navigation Using Plug-and-Play Factor Graphs
This paper proposes a real-time navigation approach that is able to integrate many sensor types while fulfilling performance needs and system constraints.
Robust Vision-Aided Navigation Using Sliding-Window Factor Graphs
This paper proposes a navigation algorithm that provides a low-latency solution while estimating the full nonlinear navigation state.
A General Approach to Online Sensor Calibration for Navigation Using Factor Graphs
We present a general method for online sensor calibration using factor graphs, which can be applied to a wide range of sensors and parameter types.
Implementation of an Augmented Reality System for Training Dismounted Warfighters
We describe the technical methods and experimental results on building an Augmented Reality Training system for training dismounts doing maneuver operations.
High-Precision Localization Using Visual Landmarks Fused with Ranged Data
In this paper, we demonstrated that with the use of precise 3D Li-dar range data, we are able to build a global consistent database of high precision 3D visual landmarks, which improves the landmark matching accuracy dramatically.
Stable Vision-Aided Navigation for Large-Area Augmented Reality
In this paper, we present a unified approach for a drift-free and jitter-reduced vision-aided navigation system.
Seamless Indoor/Outdoor 6 DOF Tracking of Trainees and Weapons
In this paper we present a system for tracking the trainee’s location, head orientation, and weapon orientation that provides high precision and does not require an instrumented site.
Multi-Modal Sensor Fusion Algorithm for Ubiquitous Infrastructure-Free Localization in Vision-Impaired Environments
In this paper, we present a unified approach for a camera tracking system based on an error-state Kalman filter algorithm.