Author: Jennifer Nakamura
Sound Town Evaluation Report
Digital learning programs are a promising tool to support teachers in providing students with strong early literacy instruction, but more research is needed to understand their effectiveness. This report describes an experimental study that examined the impact of Sound Town, a digital early literacy program, on prekindergarten students’ early literacy skills.
Maine Early Childhood Consultation Partnership® (ECCP®) Pilot Final Report
SRI Education conducted an evaluation of a pilot implementation of an evidence-based, manualized model of infant and early childhood mental health consultation (IECMHC) that builds capacity of the early care and education workforce to address young children’s social-emotional and behavioral needs.
Early Childhood Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Experiences of Arkansas Educators
This brief, which represents the second of two reports, highlights findings from a second sample of Arkansas (AR) educators who completed surveys and focus groups in spring 2021.
Early Childhood Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Experiences of Arkansas Educators
SRI International and the National Center on Children in Poverty collected information on how Arkansas early care providers are implementing state COVID-19-related guidelines and coping with the challenges related to these guidelines.
Supporting students experiencing trauma during the COVID-19 pandemic
Through this work, the collaborative developed and curated tools and strategies all educators may find useful when supporting students during this time.
Virginia Early Childhood Foundation Local Early Childhood Systems Building Strategy Map and Indicators
This document describes the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation’s (VECF) strategy map.
What Tools Have States Developed or Adapted to Assess Schools’ Implementation of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports/Response to Intervention Framework?
This report describes the features of 31 tools that 21 states developed or adapted to assess key MTSS/RTI practices that are informed by the research literature.
When Helping Students Hurts: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS)
Our researchers and clinicians have made a conscious effort to spread the word about secondary traumatic stress (STS)—the compassion fatigue many professionals experience when they work with individuals who have suffered from trauma—as well as the wealth of resources that are available to help.