Author: John Niekrasz
Accelerating Human Authorship of Information Extraction Rules
We simulate the process of corpus review and word list creation, showing that several simple interventions greatly improve recall as a function of simulated labor.
Feature Derivation for Exploitation of Distant Annotation via Pattern Induction against Dependency Parses
We consider the use of distant supervision for biological information extraction, and introduce two understudied corpora of this form, the Biological Expression Language (BEL) Large Corpus and the Pathway Logic (PL) Datum Corpus.
An Annotated Corpus and Method for Analysis of Ad-Hoc Structures Embedded in Text
We describe a method for identifying and performing functional analysis of structured regions that are embedded in natural language documents, such as tables or key-value lists.
Assessing Problem-Solving Process At Scale
This paper describes a hybrid approach to assessing process at scale in the context of the use of computational thinking practices during programming.
Unsupervised Discovery and Extraction of Semi-Structured Regions in Text Via Self-Information
We present initial work that uses significant patterns to generate extraction rules, and conclude with a discussion of future directions of our work.
A corpus of online discussions for research into linguistic memes
We describe a 460-million word corpus of online discussions.
Unbiased discourse segmentation evaluation
We show that the performance measures Pk and Window Diff, commonly used for discourse, topic, and story segmentation evaluation, are biased in favor of segmentations with fewer or adjacent segment boundaries.
The CALO meeting assistant system
This paper presents the CALO-MA architecture and its speech recognition and understanding components.
Annotating Participant Reference in English Spoken Conversation
We present a method for annotating verbal reference to people in conversational speech, with a focus on reference to conversation participants.
Participant Subjectivity and Involvement As a Basis for Discourse Segmentation
We propose a framework for analyzing episodic conversational activities in terms of expressed relationships between the participants and utterance content.
Meeting Adjourned: Off-line Learning Interfaces for Automatic Meeting Understanding
We explore interfaces for presenting this information to users after a meeting is completed, using two post-meeting interfaces that display information from topics and action items respectively.
Meeting Structure Annotation
We describe a generic set of tools for representing, annotating, and analysing multi-party discourse, including: an ontology of multimodal discourse, a programming interface for that ontology, and NOMOS – a flexible and extensible toolkit for browsing and annotating discourse.