Author: John Niekrasz
Ontology-based discourse understanding for a persistent meeting assistant
In this paper, we present research toward ontology-based understanding of discourse in meetings and describe an ontology of multimodal discourse designed for this purpose.
A Wizard of Oz framework for collecting spoken human-computer dialogs
This paper describes a data collection process aimed at gathering human-computer dialogs in high-stress or “busy” domains where the user is concentrating on tasks other than the conversation, for example, when driving a car.
Managing uncertainty in dialogue information state for real time understanding of multi-human meeting dialogue
Our ultimate aim is to model human-human dialogue (to the extent that it is feasible) in real-time, providing useful services (e.g. relevant document retrieval) and answering queries about the dialogue state and history (e.g. “what action items do we have so far?”).
A Multimodal Learning Interface for Sketch, Speak and Point Creation of a Schedule Chart
We present a video demonstration of an agent-based test bed application for ongoing research into multi-user, multimodal, computer-assisted meetings.