Author: SRI International
Fracture Analysis System: FRASTA
Breaking down how things break down to build them better.
911 emergency call system
We led the design and engineering of emergency call systems throughout the country.
National telecommunications system raises awareness within the deaf community of email’s potential.
Monterey Bay Aquarium
We helped establish Monterey Bay Aquarium, opening the doors for more than 2 million visitors each year.
Today’s internet was born in a 1970’s van.
Banking guidelines for SWIFT
The cornerstone of international banking transactions involving 200 countries and trillions of dollars a year.
Spindt cold cathode for displays
Revolutionary cathode led to today’s “instant-on” flat-panel computers and televisions.
Digital FAX machine
SRI develops the prototype for world’s first digital fax machine.
Software implemented fault tolerance
Develop a redundant flight control system that Langley would approve. We made that fly.
Blue light-emitting diode
The world’s first blue light-emitting diode (LED) lays the foundations for Blu-Ray.
Formal software methods
We applied hard methods to software development.
PROSPECTOR computer-based expert system
One of the first computer-based expert systems aids geologists in mineral exploration.