Author: Karen Myers

  • PASSAT: A User-centric Planning Framework

    We describe a plan-authoring system called PASSAT (Plan Authoring System based on Sketches, Advice, and Templates) that combines interactive tools for constructing plans with a suite of automated and mixed-initiative capabilities designed to complement human planning skills.

  • Resolving Conflicts in Agent Guidance

    This paper considers the problem of conflicting guidance for agents, making contributions in two areas: (a) outlining a space of conflict types, and (b) defining resolution methods that provide robust agent operation in the face of conflicts.

  • Active Coordination of Distributed Human Planners

    This paper presents a framework called CODA that provides targeted information dissemination among distributed human planners as a way of improving coordination.

  • Conflict Management for Agent Guidance

    This paper considers the problem of conflicting guidance for agents, making contributions in two areas: outlining a space of conflict types, and defining resolution methods that provide robust agent operation in the face of conflicts.

  • Research summary: Communication-Sensitive Decision Making in Multi-agent, Real-time Environments

    We have developed an initial framework that models decision making, reasoning about constraints, and learning at multiple levels of abstraction and multiple time scales, within and across agents.

  • Directing Agent Communities: An Initial Framework

    This paper presents a framework for directability of a community of agents by a human supervisor that focuses on three dimensions: adjustable agent autonomy, strategy preference, and community-level constraints.

  • CODA: Coordinating Human Planners

    The CODA system provides targeted information dissemination among distributed human planners as a way of improving coordination.

  • Human Directability of Agents

    This paper presents a framework for the directability of agents, in which a human supervisor can define policies to influence agent activities at execution time.

  • Integrating Planning and Scheduling through Adaptation of Resource Intensity Estimates

    We describe an incremental and adaptive approach to integrating hierarchical task network planning and constraint-based scheduling.

  • Planning with Conflicting Advice

    This paper introduces two contrasting methods for planning with conflicting advice, suited to different user requirements. Soft enforcement embodies a heuristic approach that prefers planning choices that are consistent with specified ad-vice but will disregard advice that introduces conflicts.

  • At the Boundary of Workflow and AI

    This paper describes how techniques from the AI community, specifically reactive control, planning, and scheduling, could be leveraged to develop powerful, next-generation adaptive workflow engines that provide many of the these advanced process management capabilities.

  • Generating Qualitatively Different Plans through Metatheoretic Biases

    With the objective of fostering increased user participation in the planning process, this paper presents an HTN-based framework for the abductive completion of plan sketches.