Author: Katrina Woodworth
Impact of the National Writing Project’s College-Ready Writers Program in High-Need Rural Districts
This paper reports on a district-randomized controlled trial of the National Writing Project’s College-Ready Writers Program (CRWP), implemented in high-need rural districts in 10 states.
Pathway Schools Initiative Developmental Evaluation-Learning Brief 3 (February 2017)
To support its Pathway Schools Initiative, The McKnight Foundation has engaged initiative leaders in a developmental evaluation (DE) led by SRI International and Child Trends.
Improving early literacy in PreK–3: Lessons learned (August 2016)
The Pathway Schools Initiative aims to dramatically increase the number of students who reach the critical milestone of grade 3 reading proficiency, an indicator predictive of later academic outcomes and high school graduation.
Pathway Schools Initiative Developmental Evaluation-Learning Brief 2 (July 2016)
To support its Pathway Schools Initiative, The McKnight Foundation has engaged initiative leaders in a developmental evaluation (DE) led by SRI International and Child Trends.
Pathway Schools Initiative Developmental Evaluation-Learning Brief 1 (January 2016)
To support its Pathway Schools Initiative, The McKnight Foundation has engaged initiative leaders in a developmental evaluation (DE) led by SRI International and Child Trends.
Research Brief: Impact of the National Writing Project’s College-Ready Writers Program on Teachers and Students
SRI’s two-year random assignment evaluation found consistent program implementation and positive impacts of the National Writing Project’s College-Ready Writers Program (CRWP).
International Baccalaureate national trends for low-income students 2008–2014
This study examines the postsecondary trajectories of low-income International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) candidates and course takers from public schools in the United States from 2008–2014.
Evaluating the Impact of Professional Development to Meet Challenging Writing Standards in High-Need Elementary Schools
The adoption of the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts (CCSS-ELA) has brought a new prominence to writing instruction. Additionally, the CCSS-ELA increase the focus on argument and informational/explanatory writing. To facilitate elementary teachers’ transition to this new emphasis on writing in general, and argument and informational writing specifically, the National Writing Project…
Evaluating the Impact of Professional Development to Meet Challenging Writing Standards in High-Need Elementary Schools: Executive Summary
SRI conducted a cluster randomized controlled trial to estimate the effects of the SEED professional development on teachers’ writing instruction and student argument writing, while documenting the implementation of the SEED program and the contexts in which the program was executed.
Evaluation of the First Year of the Oakland Blended Learning Pilot
With support from RFF, OUSD, and other external assistance providers, the goal of the pilot is to support teachers in Oakland schools as they worked to personalize learning through the integration of online digital content, small group instruction, and the use of data.
An Unfinished Canvas: District Capacity and the Use of New Funds for Arts Education in California
We assessed districts’ capacity with respect to arts education, explored early spending choices, and examined the relationship between the two.
An Unfinished Canvas: Local Partnerships in Support of Arts Education in California
We highlight the ways that a sample of partnerships promotes arts education in California elementary schools to inform others who may be interested in building partnerships between school districts and arts organizations.