Author: Katrina Woodworth
An Unfinished Canvas: Fact Sheet
An Unfinished Canvas revealed that an overwhelming majority of California schools fail to meet these guidelines and that key barriers include inadequate and unstable funding, insufficient instructional time, and limited teacher capacity.
An Unfinished Canvas: A Review of Large-Scale Assessment in K-12 Arts Education
This paper provides a review of the status of large-scale arts assessments and current practice in statewide arts assessment for the purpose of K–12 education accountability.
An Unfinished Canvas: Allocating Funding and Instructional Time for Elementary Arts Education
The study’s aim is to provide California policy-makers and educators with examples and lessons from other jurisdictions that have been more successful in providing all students with access to arts education.
An Unfinished Canvas: Teacher Preparation, Instruction Delivery, and Professional Development in the Arts
Among the major barriers to arts education in California that An Unfinished Canvas identified is the lack of trained and qualified arts specialist teachers, particularly at the elementary school level.
An Unfinished Canvas: Teacher Preparation, Instructional Delivery, and Professional Development in the Arts
This study investigated California’s system for training and preparing elementary classroom teachers and secondary arts teachers to provide standards-aligned arts instruction, their familiarity with and use of the state’s visual and performing arts standards, their ongoing professional development, the supports and resources available to them, and the barriers to their delivery of standards-aligned arts instruction.…
An Unfinished Canvas: Arts Education in California: Taking Stock of Policies and Practices – Summary Report
This first-ever comprehensive study of the state of arts education in California has sought to fill the current information gap by taking stock of arts education policies and practices.
An Unfinished Canvas – Arts Education in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Supplementary Status Report
The research supporting An Unfinished Canvas was undertaken to document the status of arts education in California schools and assess the extent to which schools were meeting state goals for arts education.