Author: Linda Shear
The Apple and ConnectED Initiative: Baseline and year 2 findings from principal, teacher, and student surveys
This report presents findings from large-scale surveys conducted with principals, teachers, and students at participating schools.
Launching OER Degree Pathways: An Early Snapshot of Achieving the Dream’s OER Degree Initiative and Emerging Lessons
The Open Educational Resources Degree Initiative, led by Achieving the Dream, seeks to boost college access and student success by supporting the redesign of courses needed for a degree using OER in place of proprietary instructional materials.
Evaluation of World Bicycle Relief’s Bicycles for Educational Empowerment Program: South Africa Opportunity Study
The purpose of this “opportunity study” was to identify the opportunity that bicycles could offer to rural South African schoolchildren; the critical factors that support and hinder implementation; and suggestions for program improvement.
Using Technology and Evidence to Promote Cultures of Educational Innovation: The Example of Science and Mathematics Education
To increase the opportunities for students to learn the knowledge and skills that are valued in the 21st century, education must become more innovative.