Author: Massimiliano de Zambotti
Reducing bedtime physiological arousal levels using immersive audio-visual respiratory bio-feedback: a pilot study in women with insomnia symptoms
The current study evaluated the effect of a novel, acute behavioral experimental manipulation in reducing bedtime physiological hyperarousal in women with insomnia symptoms.
Analysis and prediction of heart rate using speech features from natural speech
We predict HR from speech using the SRI BioFrustration Corpus.In contrast to previous studies we use continuous spontaneous speech as input.
The SRI CLEO Speaker-State Corpus
We introduce the SRI CLEO (Conversational Language about Everyday Objects) Speaker-State Corpus of speech, video, and biosignals.
Prediction of heart rate changes from speech features during interaction with a misbehaving dialog system
This study examines two questions: how do undesirable system responses affect people physiologically, and to what extent can we predict physiological changes from the speech signal alone?
Menstrual Cycle-Related Variation in Physiological Sleep in Women in the Early Menopausal Transition
The objective of the study was to assess the impact of menstrual cycle phase on the polysomnogram and electroencephalographic (EEG) features of sleep in midlife women.
Insomnia in Women Approaching Menopause: Beyond Perception
We aimed to quantify sleep disturbance and the underlying contribution of objective hot flashes in 72 women who had, compared to those who had not, developed clinical insomnia in association with the menopausal transition.
Cardiac Autonomic Function During Sleep: Effects of Alcohol Dependence and Evidence of Partial Recovery with Abstinence
Chronic alcoholism is associated with the development of cardiac and peripheral autonomic nervous system (ANS) pathology.
Reduced Cerebral and Cardiovascular Hemodynamics During Sustained Affective Stimulation in Young Women with Chronic Low Blood Pressure
We assessed central and peripheral hemodynamic changes in 15 undergraduate women with chronic hypotension and 15 normotensive controls during sustained exposure to pleasant, unpleasant and neutral pictures.
Interaction between Reproductive Hormones and Physiological Sleep in Women
This study aimed to assess the interaction between physiological sleep and reproductive hormone measures in perimenopausal women.
Magnitude of the Impact of Hot Flashes on Sleep in Perimenopausal Women
The presence of physiological hot flashes accounts for a significant proportion of total objective time awake during the night in perimenopausal women.
Impaired Off-Line Motor Skills Consolidation in Young Primary Insomniacs
Here we assessed the sleep-related off-line consolidation of motor skills in 13 young primary insomniacs compared to 13 healthy sleepers using the sequential finger tapping task.
Nocturnal Cardiac Autonomic Profile in Young Primary Insomniacs and Good Sleepers
We investigated cardiac vagal and sympathetic activity in 13 young primary insomniacs and 14 good sleepers during nocturnal sleep.