Author: Melinda Gervasio
Assessment and Content Authoring in Semantic Virtual Environments
This paper presents an approach to training in VEs that directly addresses these challenges and summarizes its application to a weapons maintenance task.
Solution Authoring via Demonstration and Annotation: An Empirical Study
This paper reports on a concept validation study that provides an empirical basis for the design of solution authoring frameworks based on end-user programming techniques.
Discovering Action Idioms: Bridging the Gap between System-Level Events and Human-Level Actions
We present a sequential pattern mining approach to discovering human-level actions-action idioms – from instrumentation logs of lower-level events.
Drill Evaluation for Training Procedural Skills
This paper describes an automated assessment and feedback capability that has been applied to training for a complex software system in widespread use throughout the U.S. Army.
Learning by Demonstration for a Collaborative Planning Environment
We describe the deployment of a learning by demonstration capability to support user creation of automated procedures in a collaborative planning environment that is used widely by the U.S. Army.
How to Serve Soup: Interleaving Demonstration and Assisted Editing to Support Non-Programmers
The Adept Task Learning system is an end-user programming environment that combines programming by demonstration and direct manipulation to support customization by non-programmers.
How to Serve Soup: Interleaving Demonstration and Assisted Editing to Support Nonprogrammers
The Adept Task Learning system is an end-user programming environment that combines programming by demonstration and direct manipulation to support customization by nonprogrammers.
Learning by Demonstration Technology for Military Planning and Decision Making: A Deployment Story
We describe the deployment of a learning by demonstration capability to support user creation of automated procedures in a collaborative planning environment that is used widely by the U.S. Army.
Learning to Ask the Right Questions
Asking questions can clarify concepts, test hypotheses, add missing information, or provide additional knowledge to facilitate learning. The last item motivates the work described in this paper.
Goal-directed Metacontrol for Integrated Procedure Learning
We describe a metalevel framework for coordinating the activities of a community of learners to create an integrated learning system. The metalevel framework is organized around learning goals, which are formulated through introspective reasoning to identify problems and requirements for the ongoing learning process.
A World Wider than the Web: End User Programming Across Multiple Domains
This chapter presents Integrated Task Learning (ITL), an approach for learning procedures across domains using end-user programming (EUP).
Recommendations for End-User Development
We provide an overview of the state of the art in end-user development, focusing on the different kinds of recommendations made to users. We identify four classes of suggestion that could most directly benefit from existing recommendation techniques.