Author: Peter Karp
Can we replace curation with information extraction software?
Can we use programs for automated or semi-automated information extraction from scientific texts as practical alternatives to professional curation? I show that error rates of current information extraction programs are too high to replace professional curation today.
The Time Is Right to Focus on Model Organism Metabolomes
We propose a grand challenge for metabolomics studies of model organisms: to identify and map all metabolites onto metabolic pathways, to develop quantitative metabolic models for model organisms, and to relate organism metabolic pathways within the context of evolutionary metabolomics, i.e., phylometabolomics.
Computational Metabolomics Operations at Biocyc.Org is a genome and metabolic pathway web portal covering 5500 organisms, including Homo sapiens, Arabidopsis thaliana, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli.
Pathway Tools version 19.0 update: Software for Pathway/Genome Informatics and Systems Biology
The software provides genome-informatics tools such as a genome browser, sequence alignments, a genome-variant analyzer and comparative-genomics operations.
Metabolic Pathways for the Whole Community
Here we adopt the MetaPathways annotation and analysis pipeline and Pathway Tools to construct environmental pathway/genome databases that describe microbial community metabolism using MetaCyc.
Optimal Metabolic Route Search Based on Atom Mappings
We present the algorithm used in the new RouteSearch tool within the Pathway Tools software.
The EcoCyc Database
This review outlines the data content of EcoCyc and of the procedures by which this content is generated.
A Framework for Application of Metabolic Modeling in Yeast to Predict the Effects of Nssnv in Human Orthologs
Here we present the next step in the workflow toward using yeast metabolic modeling to predict human metabolic behavior resulting from nsSNV.
A Genome-Scale Metabolic Flux Model of Escherichia coli K-12 Derived from the EcoCyc Database
We present EcoCyc–18.0–GEM, a genome-scale model of the E. coli K–12 MG1655 metabolic network.
Curation Accuracy of Model Organism Databases
We assessed the accuracy of EcoCyc and CGD by manually selecting curated assertions within randomly chosen EcoCyc and CGD gene pages and by then validating that the data found in the referenced publications supported those assertions.
Addition of Escherichia coli K-12 Growth Observation and Gene Essentiality Data to the Ecocyc Database
We have integrated data on the growth or nongrowth of E. coli K-12 obtained from published observations using a variety of individual media and from high-throughput phenotype microarrays into the EcoCyc database.
The Metacyc Database of Metabolic Pathways and Enzymes and the Biocyc Collection of Pathway/Genome Databases
MetaCyc ( is a universal database of metabolic pathways and enzymes from all domains of life. The pathways in MetaCyc are curated from the primary scientific literature, and are experimentally determined small-molecule metabolic pathways.