Author: Peter Karp
Data Mining in the Metacyc Family of Pathway Databases
The MetaCyc family of pathway databases consists of thousands of databases that were derived through computational inference of metabolic pathways from the MetaCyc pathway/genome database (PGDB).
Dead End Metabolites — Defining the Known Unknowns of the E. coli Metabolic Network
We have analysed the occurrence of dead end metabolites within the database – these are metabolites which lack the requisite reactions (either metabolic or transport) that would account for their production or consumption within the metabolic network.
EcoCyc: Fusing Model Organism Databases with Systems Biology
Updates to EcoCyc content continue to improve the comprehensive picture of E. coli biology. The utility of EcoCyc is enhanced by new tools available on the EcoCyc web site, and the development of EcoCyc as a teaching tool is increasing the impact of the knowledge collected in EcoCyc.
Construction and completion of flux balance models from pathway databases
We present a multiple gap-filling method to accelerate the development of FBA models using a new tool, called MetaFlux, based on mixed integer linear programming (MILP).
Accurate Atom-Mapping Computation for Biochemical Reactions
We introduce a new method for computing atom mappings called the minimum weighted edit-distance (MWED) metric.
Metabolomics Reveals Amino Acids Contribute to Variation in Response to Simvastatin Treatment
We used a gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass-spectrometry-based metabolomics platform to evaluate global effects of simvastatin on intermediary metabolism.
Regulatory Network Operations in the Pathway Tools Software
Pathway Tools provides a comprehensive environment for manipulating molecular regulatory interactions that integrates regulatory data with an organism’s genome and metabolic network.
Browsing Metabolic and Regulatory Networks with BioCyc
The BioCyc database collection at integrates genome and cellular network information for more than 1,100 organisms.
A Survey of Metabolic Databases Emphasizing the Metacyc Family
The main families are the MetaCyc, KEGG, Reactome, Model SEED, and BiGG families. We survey these database families, as well as important individual metabolic databases, including multiple human metabolic databases.
BioCyc: Microbial Genomes and Cellular Networks
Metabolic Pathway Databases for 1,000 Organisms
The Pathway Tools Pathway Prediction Algorithm
The PathoLogic component of the Pathway Tools software performs prediction of metabolic pathways in sequenced and annotated genomes.