Author: Richard J. Waldinger
Automating the Derivation of Unification Algorithms. A Case Study in Deductive Program Synthesis
The unification algorithm has long been a target for program synthesis research, but a fully automatic derivation remains a research goal.
Natural Language Access: When Reasoning Makes Sense
We argue that to use natural language effectively, we must have both a deep understanding of the subject domain and a general-purpose reasoning capability.
What, Again? Automatic Deductive Synthesis of the Unification Algorithm
We describe work in progress towards deriving a unification algorithm automatically from a declarative specification using deductive methods.
Deductive Synthesis of the Unification Algorithm: The Automation of Introspection
We are working to create the first automatic deductive synthesis of a unification algorithm. The program is extracted from a proof of the existence of an output substitution that satisfies a given logical specification.
Natural Language Access to Data: It Takes Common Sense!
In a deductive approach to this problem, language processing technology translates English queries into a first-order logical form, which is regarded as a conjecture to be established by a theorem prover.
Deduction for Natural Language Access to Data
We outline a general approach to automated natural-language question answering that uses first-order logic and automated deduction. Our interest is in answering queries over structured data resources
English Access to Structured Data
We present work on using a domain model to guide text interpretation, in the context of a project that aims to interpret English questions as a sequence of queries to be answered from structured databases.
Deductive Formation of Recursive Workflows
We present an action theory with the power to represent recursive plans and the capability to reason about and synthesize recursive workflow control structures.
Answering Science Questions: Deduction with Answer Extraction and Procedural Attachment
An approach to question answering through automated deduction is advocated. External knowledge resources, including data and software, are consulted through a mechanism known as procedural attachment.
Deductive Biocomputing
We describe a deduction-based approach to biocomputation that semiautomatically combines knowledge, software, and data to satisfy goals expressed in a high-level biological language.
Whatever Happened to Deductive Question Answering?
Program synthesis as a byproduct of automatic theorem proving has been a largely dormant field in recent years, while those seeking to apply theorem proving have been scurrying to find smaller problems, including question answering.
Proving Authentication Properties in the Protocol Derivation Assistant
In the present paper, we introduce an axiomatic theory of authentication suitable for the automatic proof of authentication properties. We describe a proof of the authentication property of a simple protocol, as derived in Pda, for which the the proof obligations have been automatically generated and discharged.