Author: SRI International
Combinatorial screening of the effect of temperature on the microstructure and mobility of a highperformance polythiophene semiconductor
Using a gradient combinatorial approach, the authors report the effects of temperature on the microstructure and hole mobility of poly(2,5-bis(3-dodecylthiophen-2yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene) thin films for application in organic field-effect transistors.
Local Strategies And Practice For Using Technology In K-12 Education
Effectiveness of Reading and Mathematics Software Products: Findings from the First Student Cohort
The study used an experimental design to assess the effects of technology products, with volunteering teachers randomly assigned to use or not use selected products.
Explaining Task Processing in Cognitive Assistants that Learn
We will describe the ICEE (Integrated Cognitive Explanation Environment) explanation system and its approach to explaining task reasoning.
The ICSI-SRI Spring 2006 Meeting Recognition System
We describe the development of the ICSI-SRI speech recognition system for the NIST Spring 2006 Meeting Rich Transcription (RT-06S) evaluation, highlighting improvements, including the delay-and-sum algorithm, the nearfield segmenter, language models, posterior-based features, HMM adaptation methods, and adapting to a small amount of new lecture data.
Developing Fine-Grained Transfer Models In The ASSISTment System
In this article, we describe our attempt to create a fine-grained transfer model for 8th grade math based on the skills needed to take the Math MCAS exam and how we use this model in a web-based intelligent tutoring system called the ASSISTment system.
Significance of Joint Features Derived from the Modified Group Delay Function in Speech Processing
This paper investigates the significance of combining cepstral features derived from the modified group delay function and from the short-time spectral magnitude like the MFCC.
A Web Based Authoring Tool for Intelligent Tutors: Blending Assessment And Instructional Assistance
To help teachers make better use of their time, we are integrating assistance and assessment by utilizing a web-based system (“Assistment”) that will offer instruction to students while providing a more detailed evaluation of their abilities to the teacher than is possible under current approaches.
Scan Rate: A new metric for the analysis of reading behaviours in asynchronous computer conferencing environments
This article introduces a new computer conferencing metric called Scan Rate, which is a measure of students’ and instructors’ online reading speed.
Using Handheld Technology To Move Between Private And Public Interactions In The Classroom
We present three examples of handheld use that exploit these unique affordances, and discuss how the use of handheld computers can be used to bridge research across different metaphors of learning.
A Categorization of Explanation Questions for Task Processing Systems
In this paper we propose a categorization of question types relevant to explaining task processing. For each question type, we also propose alternative explanation strategies for answering them.
National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study (NEILS) Final Report
This National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study (NEILS) report presents the key findings from a national longitudinal study. This report summarizes some of the key findings from this 10-year study and notes their implications for policy, practice, and additional research.