Author: SRI International
A Structure For Plans and Behavior
A new method for representing actions within a computer memory has been developed, and this new representation, called the procedural net, has been employed in developing new strategies for solving problems and monitoring the execution of the resulting solutions.
Representation and Use of Knowledge in Vision
This paper identifies fundamental information-processing principles relevant to representation and use of knowledge in vision and traces limitations of existing programs.
Deductive Retrieval Mechanisms for State Description Models
This paper presents some programming facilities for modeling the semantics of a task domain and for describing the situations that occur in that domain as a task is being carried out.
Expanding the Utility of Semantic Networks Through Partitioning
These net spaces delimit the scopes of quantified variables, distinguish hypothetical and imaginary situations from reality, encode alternative worlds considered in planning, and focus attention at particular levels of detail.
Nonlinear Nature of Plans
This paper describes a new information structure, called the procedural net, that represents a plan as a partial ordering of action with respect to time.
Progress on a Computer Based Consultant
Computer based consultants are systems that incorporate specialized bodies of knowledge and make this knowledge conveniently available to users who are not computer experts.
PARC, now part of SRI, coined the phrase to describe cut-and-paste bit-mapped editing: What You See Is What You Get (also known as “wizsy-wig”).
Digital Processing of Breast Thermograms
The Artificial Intelligence Center of SRI has digitized and processed a series of breast thermograms of positive patients. To improve the medical value of such imagery for the radiologist, several off-the-shelf algorithms have been applied to the digitized images.
The Structure of Task-Oriented Dialogs
The discourse and task information in task oriented dialogs and their use in a speech understand system are discussed in this paper.
ISIS: An Interactive Facility for Scene Analysis Research
This paper summarizes initial progress in developing a computer system that can be rapidly programmed to analyze any class of pictorial scenes. We have constructed an interactive system specifically designed for expressing and experimenting with perceptual strategies.
Structure of Task Oriented Dialogs
The discourse and task information in task oriented dialogs and their use in a speech understanding system are discussed in this paper.
Plan for a Computer-Based Consultant System
This report describes the goals and plans for a five-year project to develop a computer-based system that will serve as an expert consultant to a human apprentice. Together, the system and the apprentice will be engaged in a task of “checking out” and repairing electro-mechanical equipment in a workstation domain.