Author: Suzanne Paley
The Pathway Tools Cellular Overview Diagram and Omics Viewer
Pathway Tools supports interrogation and exploration of cellular biochemical networks through the overview diagram and a software component called the Omics Viewer.
Creating Fungal Pathway/Genome Databases Using Pathway Tools
The Pathway Tools software allows a group of scientists to create, update, and publish on the Web an evolving knowledge resource describing the genome and biochemical networks of the organism.
MetaCyc and AraCyc. Metabolic Pathway Databases for Plant Research
In conjunction with the Pathway Tools software, MetaCyc can be used to computationally predict the metabolic pathway complement of an annotated genome.
Querying and Computing with BioCyc Databases
We describe multiple methods for accessing and querying the complex and integrated cellular data in the BioCyc family of databases.
EcoCyc: a comprehensive database resource for Escherichia coli
The mission for EcoCyc is to contain both computable descriptions of, and detailed comments describing, all genes, proteins, pathways and molecular interactions in E.coli.
MetaCyc: a multiorganism database of metabolic pathways and enzymes
In the past 2 years the data content and the Pathway Tools software used to query, visualize and edit MetaCyc have been expanded significantly. These enhancements are described in this paper.
An Evidence Ontology for use in Pathway/Genome Databases
This paper presents an ontology for encoding the type of support and the degree of support for DB assertions, and for encoding the literature source in which that support is reported.
HpyCyc: Helicobacter pylori Pathway/Genome Database
A Pathway/Genome Database for Helicobacter pylori is available at URL The database integrates the full genome of H. pylori with its computationally predicted metabolic pathways.
Evaluation of computational metabolic-pathway predictions for Helicobacter pylori
We seek to determine the accuracy of computational methods for predicting metabolic pathways in sequenced genomes, and to understand the contributions of both the prediction algorithms, and the reference pathway databases used by those algorithms, to the prediction accuracy.
The MetaCyc Database
MetaCyc is a metabolic-pathway database that describes 445 pathways and 1115 enzymes occurring in 158 organisms.
The Pathway Tools Software
The Pathway Tools is a reusable, production-quality software environment for creating a type of MOD called a Pathway/Genome Database (PGDB).
The EcoCyc and MetaCyc Databases
Both databases are queried using the Pathway Tools graphical user interface, which provides a wide variety of query operations and visualization tools.