Author: Suzanne Paley
A Collaborative Environment for Authoring Large Knowledge Bases
We present an architecture for scalable frame representation systems (FRSs). KBs must be supported for rapid construction by a collaborative effort of teams of knowledge engineers through reuse of existing knowledge and software components.
Integrated Pathway/Genome Databases and Their Role in Drug Discovery
We describe pathway-based analyses of the genomes of a number of medically relevant microorganisms, and a novel software tool that provides visualization of gene expression data on a diagram showing the whole metabolic network of the microorganism.
EcoCyc: Electronic Encyclopedia of E. coli Genes and Metabolism
EcoCyc: Electronic Encyclopedia of E. coli Genes and Metabolism
EcoCyc: Encyclopedia of Escherichia coli genes and metabolism
The encyclopedia of Escherichia coli genes and metabolism (EcoCyc) is a database that combines information about the genome and the intermediary metabolism of E.coli .
A Collaborative Environment for Authoring Large Knowledge Bases
Collaborative knowledge base (KB) authoring environments are critical for the construction of high-performance KBs. In this paper, we present an environment that satisfies many of these goals.
A Generic Knowledge-Base Browser and Editor
The GKB Editor is a generic editor and browser of knowledge bases (KBs) and ontologies – generic in the sense that it is portable across several frame knowledge representation systems (FRSs).
EcoCyc: Electronic Encyclopedia of E. coli Genes and Metabolism
The Encyclopedia of E. coli Genes and Metabolism (EcoCyc) is a database that combines information about the genome and the intermediary metabolism of E. coli.
EcoCyc: Enyclopedia of Escherichia coli Genes and Metabolism
The Encyclopedia of Genes and Metabolism (EcoCyc) is a database that combines information about the genome and the intermediary metabolism of Escherichia coli.
HinCyc: A Knowledge Base of the Complete Genome and Metabolic Pathways of H. influenzae
We present a methodology for predicting the metabolic pathways of an organism from its genomic sequence.
Integrated Access to Metabolic and Genomic Data
We describe the design and implementation of visual presentations that closely mimic those found in the biology literature, and employ a frame knowledge representation system (FRS) called HyperTHEO to manage the EcoCyc knowledge base.
Adapting EcoCyc for Use on the World Wide Web
We have developed a Web server tool, written in Common Lisp, that allows existing graphical user interface applications written using the Common Lisp Interface Manager (CLIM) to hook easily into the WWW.