Author: Suzanne Paley
EcoCyc: Electronic Encyclopedia of E. coli Genes and Metabolism
The EcoCyc graphical user interface allows scientists to query and explore the EcoCyc database using visualization tools such as genomic-map browsers and automatic layouts of metabolic pathways.
Adapting CLIM Applications for Use on the World Wide Web
We have developed a Web server tool, written in Common Lisp, that allows any existing graphical user interface application written using the Common Lisp Interface Manager (CLIM) to hook easily into the WWW.
Knowledge Representation in the Large
We describe the design and implementation of a storage subsystem that submerges a database management system (DBMS) within a knowledge representation system.
A Storage System for Scalable Knowledge Representation
Our research investigates the hypothesis that one can employ an existing database management system (DBMS) as a storage subsystem for an FRS, to provide high-speed access to large, shared KBs.
Representations of Metabolic Knowledge: Pathways
The chief contributions of the paper are a minimized representation for biochemical pathways called the predecessor list, and inference procedures for converting the predecessor list into a pathway-graph representation that can serve as input to a pathway-drawing algorithm.
Automated Drawing of Metabolic Pathways
This paper presents algorithms for drawing metabolic pathways by dynamically querying the underlying knowledge base.