Author: Suzanne Paley

  • EcoCyc: Electronic Encyclopedia of E. coli Genes and Metabolism

    The EcoCyc graphical user interface allows scientists to query and explore the EcoCyc database using visualization tools such as genomic-map browsers and automatic layouts of metabolic pathways.

  • Adapting CLIM Applications for Use on the World Wide Web

    We have developed a Web server tool, written in Common Lisp, that allows any existing graphical user interface application written using the Common Lisp Interface Manager (CLIM) to hook easily into the WWW.

  • Knowledge Representation in the Large

    We describe the design and implementation of a storage subsystem that submerges a database management system (DBMS) within a knowledge representation system.

  • A Storage System for Scalable Knowledge Representation

    Our research investigates the hypothesis that one can employ an existing database management system (DBMS) as a storage subsystem for an FRS, to provide high-speed access to large, shared KBs.

  • Representations of Metabolic Knowledge: Pathways

    The chief contributions of the paper are a minimized representation for biochemical pathways called the predecessor list, and inference procedures for converting the predecessor list into a pathway-graph representation that can serve as input to a pathway-drawing algorithm.

  • Automated Drawing of Metabolic Pathways

    This paper presents algorithms for drawing metabolic pathways by dynamically querying the underlying knowledge base.