Clay Spence

Clay spence bio picture
Senior Computer Scientist, Center for Vision Technologies

Clay Spence, Ph.D., is a senior computer scientist in SRI’s Center for Vision Technologies.  The focus of his work includes machine learning, patterns of life analysis, object recognition in 3-D data, hyperspectral data processing, change detection in video, video enhancement of navigation of UAV-mounted cameras for surveillance, probabilistic modeling, object/pattern recognition, medical image processing, video signal processing and neurobiological modeling.

Spence holds seven patents and has published more than 40 conference papers, journal articles and book chapters. He was also adjunct professor for Bucks County Community College and Burlington County College, where he taught physics courses and laboratory for calculus-based physics.

Spence holds a Ph.D. in theoretical physics, an M.S. degree in physics, and a B.S. degree (cum laude) in physics from the University of California, Irvine.

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