Todd A. Grindal
Co-Director, Center For Learning & Development, SRI Education
Todd Grindal, EdD, studies the impacts of policies and programs on young children and children with disabilities. He is the principal investigator of a Child Care Policy Research Partnership project examining how early childhood educators in Arkansas child care programs interpret and implement state policies designed to reduce the use of suspension and expulsion. Grindal recently completed evaluation and strategic planning activities focused on early childhood systems building for the Virginia Early Childhood foundation. In other Virginia focused work, Grindal conducted an evaluation of the Virginia Preschool Initiative Plus program which included a regression discontinuity design study that leveraged 4 years of test data to examine the causal impact of preschool enrollment on children’s early academic skills.
Before joining SRI, Grindal led a range of evaluation and technical assistance projects. For the National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families, Grindal and colleagues used integrated administrative data to provide new insights into the participation of young Hispanic children in publicly funded early care and education programs. In other work conducted as part of the Secondary Analysis of Variation in Impacts of Head Start Center, Grindal and colleagues used innovative analytic methods to understand how the impacts of Head Start varied by the type of care children would have otherwise received. The article summarizing this work, on which Grindal is a coauthor, was awarded the 2016 Applied Research Award for Advances in Methodology by the American Education Research Association.
Grindal has authored numerous peer-reviewed publications, regularly presents his work at scholarly conferences, and has been an invited speaker at the United Nations. He is the coauthor of a paper examining methods for determining subgroup impacts that was awarded the 2018 journal article of the year from the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness. He is the coeditor of a 2020 special issue of the Early Childhood Quarterly examining access, utilization, and impacts of early care and education among Latino families.
Grindal conducted his master’s and doctoral work at the Harvard Graduate School of Education where he was awarded a Julius B. Richmond Fellowship by the Harvard Center on the Developing Child. Before beginning his doctoral studies, Grindal worked for 6 years as an elementary and preschool teacher and school administrator.
Key projects
- Reimagining Instructional Coaching in Early Education (RICiEE)
- Reducing Exclusionary Discipline in Arkansas Early Childhood Programs
- Virginia Early Childhood Foundation
- Ready to Learn
- Survey of Head Start Disability Coordinators
- VPI+
Recent publications
Balancing Priorities: Foster Parents’ Child Care Search and Selection Process
This brief presents findings from a foster parent survey about how foster parents navigate the process of finding ECE and the factors they prioritize when selecting an ECE program.
Early Care and Education Is an Essential Component of the Foster Care System: A View From Arkansas
This brief presents findings from a foster parent survey about the impact of ECE on their ability to accept new foster placements and the challenges they face in searching for…
Observing Classrooms Through a Digital Lens: Examining the Reliability and Feasibility of Video Observations in Pre-kindergarten Classrooms
The Early Childhood Classroom Observation (ECCO) study was designed to better understand how video recordings can support high-quality measurement of pre-kindergarten classrooms, using two common measures of early learning programs,…
Success in Action: Four Stories of Early Childhood Instructional Coaching
Effective instructional coaching has long demonstrated positive impacts on teacher practices and early learning outcomes. This case study report highlights stories of four systems (Alabama, AppleTree, Maine, and Washington) that…
The Impacts of Extreme Weather Disasters on the Implementation of Head Start Services
The increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather disasters pose significant challenges to the delivery of Early Head Start (EHS) and Head Start (HS) services, impacting children’s access to early…
Improving Participation of Children in Foster Care in Stable, High-Quality Early Care and Education: Administrative Data Findings (Conference poster)
This conference poster presents findings from administrative data analyses about the experiences of young Arkansas children in foster care in subsidized child care.