Contract vehicle

  • California Multiple Award Schedule

    SRI is a CMAS contractor, which means that state and local agencies in California can obtain services from us based on prices that the state has assessed as fair, reasonable, and competitive. SRI International’s CMAS Contracting Number: #4-09-03-0395ATerm dates: September 3, 2009 through November 30, 2013 For more information, contact: Donna NegranzaContracts Manager+1 (650)

  • SeaPort-e

    SRI is a SeaPort™ Enhanced (SeaPort-e) prime contractor. We maintain offices, staff, and research capabilities in four SeaPort-e zones.

  • General Services Administration Schedules

    GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contracts, also referred to as GSA Schedule and Federal Supply Schedule contracts, are indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contracts that are available for use by federal agencies worldwide.