Early childhood learning and development
For over three decades, the SRI Education early learning and development team has been working to improve the lives of young children and their families.
We do this through conducting rigorous research and evaluation, providing technical assistance grounded in client needs and facilitating actionable strategic planning informed by our expertise. Our team is driven by an understanding of the importance of the early years and a passion to ensure all young children have the opportunity to thrive in school and in life. We strive to identify solutions to the challenges of inequitable opportunities and outcomes.
Preschool Development Grants Birth-5 Technical Assistance (PDG B-5 TA) Center
The PDG B-5 TA Center delivers technical assistance to support states in building, enhancing, and expanding birth through age 5 mixed delivery systems and high-quality early childhood programs and services.
Ready to Learn Initiative
The Ready To Learn Initiative is producing and distributing children’s digital media content—videos, games, apps, and hands-on activities—to improve the literacy, math, and science skills of economically disadvantaged children.
SRI Education awarded contract from Office of Child Care to operate the National Technical Assistance Center for Preschool Development Grants Birth Through Five
SRI International has been awarded a contract from the Office of Child Care (OCC) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children, Youth and Families, to operate the National Technical Assistance Center for Preschool Development Grants Birth Through Five (NCPDG B-5). The new technical assistance (TA) center will support the work…
Nevada Ready! B-3 Alignment
In 2020, SRI engaged Nevada stakeholders in an iterative process to promote alignment across standards areas, resulting in standards revisions, adoption of new standards, and next steps for further standards development.
Virginia Preschool Initiative-Plus (VPI+)
SRI Education designed and launched a 4-year comprehensive evaluation of the implementation and impact of Virginia’s state preschool program called the Virginia Preschool Initiative Plus.
Overcoming the early childhood suspension & expulsion problem
Curbing the problem starts with changing the early childhood program approach.
Helping parents effectively support their child’s science learning with educational media
We explored whether educational science content delivered via educational media, combined with hands-on activities and guidance, would result in gains in children’s understanding of science and engineering.
New Study from EDC and SRI International Demonstrates Positive Effects of PBS KIDS Digital Media on Young Children’s Science and Engineering Learning
The study’s goal was to understand the extent to which providing access to media resources focused on critical science and engineering concepts can help children living in low-income households learn.
Reducing Exclusionary Discipline in Arkansas Early Childhood Programs
The Arkansas Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education is implementing a set of policies to promote overall child care program quality in Child Care and Development Fund-funded programs.
Enhancement of a K-3 Formative Assessment
SRI worked with two research partners and a 10-state consortium to enhance and implement a developmentally appropriate K–3 formative assessment to fit within and inform everyday classroom instruction.
Policy & Program Studies: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Case Studies
SRI conducted and prepared, Case Studies of the Early Implementation of Kindergarten Entry Assessments, to document the processes, accomplishments, challenges, and solutions of the four states and to share what they have learned with federal and state policymakers
RISE Home Visiting Evaluation
SRI Education evaluated a coaching, support and technical assistance model to gather information on what it takes to support home visiting programs and staff so they can provide the most effective services possible to children and families.