Education and learning
For more than 50 years, SRI Education has been a leader in helping strategic partners find out what works, for whom, how, and why. We collaborate with federal, state, foundation, nonprofit, and commercial partners to improve teaching, education policies, and student learning.
Our goal: to reduce barriers and optimize outcomes for students of all ages; abilities; and racial, cultural, linguistic, and geographic backgrounds.
Promises and pitfalls of positive behavioral interventions and supports
Students who are Black, Latinx, and Native American are more likely than White students to be suspended or expelled – even when comparing consequences for the same infractions.
How empowered do multilingual students with disabilities feel to make their own choices?
Students who feel greater self-determination – the attitudes and abilities to act as a causal agent and make independent choices – tend to do better as they transition to life outside of secondary school.
Supporting Students With Significant Cognitive Disabilities and Support Needs as They Transition from High School
Researchers from SRI International and the University of Oklahoma are collaborating to create a new assessment tool to help educators ensure that students with significant cognitive disabilities (or extensive support needs) leave high school with the skills they need to be successful.
Initial Efficacy Study of Data Wise
This is the first impact study of Data Wise, which supports educators in using collaborative data inquiry to drive continuous improvement of teaching and learning.
Child Find ACCESS: Advancing Community-Centered, Equity-Focused Child Find Systems & Supports
For the Child Find ACCESS project, SRI Education is implementing a community-based, tailored approach to improving child find systems.
Evaluation of Skills for Secondary School Success (4S)
SRI Education evaluation experts are partnering with John’s Hopkins University’s Center for the Social Organization of Schools (JHU CSOS) to measure the impact of its Skills for Secondary School Success (4S) course module.
Exploring the Relationship Between Continuous Improvement Culture and Afterschool STEM Program Quality
SRI researchers are using systems theory to investigate the implementation of continuous quality improvement within the system of California’s publicly funded afterschool programs, the state’s efforts to change organizational culture to support continuous improvement, and the potential effects of continuous improvement on afterschool STEAM programs over time.
Evaluation of the Los Angeles City College’s STEM Pathways Program
SRI conducted a 5-year evaluation of Los Angeles City College’s STEM Pathways Program.
Evaluation of the Alder Teaching Quality Partnership (TQP) Teacher Residency Expansion
SRI is conducting a 5-year evaluation of Alder Graduate School of Education’s California residency program.