Education and learning
For more than 50 years, SRI Education has been a leader in helping strategic partners find out what works, for whom, how, and why. We collaborate with federal, state, foundation, nonprofit, and commercial partners to improve teaching, education policies, and student learning.
Our goal: to reduce barriers and optimize outcomes for students of all ages; abilities; and racial, cultural, linguistic, and geographic backgrounds.
SRI Studies of Teacher Preparation Reform Efforts Support Innovation
SRI Education leads rigorous evaluations of programs with the goal of preparing teachers who are ready to teach diverse students to master rigorous standards .
Evaluation of Mobile Messaging on Responsive Caregiving
The Mobile Messaging on Responsive Caregiving study will evaluate the impact of two mobile messaging programs intended to improve responsive caregiving, attitudes, knowledge, and confidence of parents and caregivers of young children.
National Comprehensive Center Technical Assistance Project
The National Comprehensive Center provides capacity-building services to state and local education agencies to address high-leverage problems in education. SRI International provides technical assistance products and services across multiple content areas, including science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and computer science (CS). The National Comprehensive Center works with states and regional centers to enhance the quality of…
SaTC: EDU: Microlessons to Build Readiness in the Cybersecurity Workforce
We developed a novel microlearning approach and up-to-date curriculum for early- and mid-career cybersecurity professionals that supports anytime, anywhere learning called Cyber Attack!,
CoolThink@JC Implementation Study
SRI Education is conducting a comprehensive implementation study of the CoolThink@JCcomputational thinking curriculum in Hong Kong primary schools. The project will evaluate and advise on the initiative’s goals of supporting high-quality adoption in over 200 primary schools and laying a foundation throughout the system for more widespread adoption.
Shari Golan talks about SRI Education
Shari Golan is the President of SRI Education in Menlo Park, CA. Join us as she explains how SRI Education works to reduce barriers, optimize outcomes, and ensure educational equity for all children, youth, and families by conducting high-quality research and evaluation of education programs and interventions, supporting use of data and evidence through training,…
REL Appalachia Trauma Support for Schools Virtual Summit 2021
In August 2021, the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Appalachia at SRI International hosted the Trauma Support for Schools Summit, a national, virtual event to share research and resources for supporting students and educators experiencing trauma.
Analysis of NAEP Mathematics Process, Outcome, and Survey Data to Understand Test-Taking Behavior and Mathematics Performance of Learners with Disabilities
This project uses innovative statistical and machine learning techniques to understand the differences in test-taking processes of students with and without disabilities.