Education and learning
For more than 50 years, SRI Education has been a leader in helping strategic partners find out what works, for whom, how, and why. We collaborate with federal, state, foundation, nonprofit, and commercial partners to improve teaching, education policies, and student learning.
Our goal: to reduce barriers and optimize outcomes for students of all ages; abilities; and racial, cultural, linguistic, and geographic backgrounds.
Evaluation of the Engage New England Initiative
Through its evaluation of the Engage New England initiative, SRI is helping the Barr Foundation and the broader education community better understand how to design and implement innovative schools for students who are off track to graduate high school.
National Effectiveness Study of First Step to Success
SRI conducted a large-scale study of the effectiveness of an early intervention program intended to help young children at risk for developing antisocial or aggressive behaviors.
Efficacy Study of Check & Connect to Improve Student Outcomes
Check & Connect (C&C) is a comprehensive, manualized student engagement intervention developed to promote school success and completion for secondary school students at high risk of school failure and dropout
Students Exposed to Trauma: A Study of the CBITS Program
SRI researchers are conducting a study of the efficacy of the Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) program.
Preschool Development Grants Birth-5 Technical Assistance (PDG B-5 TA) Center
The PDG B-5 TA Center delivers technical assistance to support states in building, enhancing, and expanding birth through age 5 mixed delivery systems and high-quality early childhood programs and services.
New Generation of Educators Initiative
This study investigates a multiyear effort to ensure that the California State University teacher preparation programs are producing the teachers California K–12 school districts will need as they complete their transition to CCSS and NGSS standards.
Ready to Learn Initiative
The Ready To Learn Initiative is producing and distributing children’s digital media content—videos, games, apps, and hands-on activities—to improve the literacy, math, and science skills of economically disadvantaged children.