Student behavior
SRI Education’s mission is to promote evidence-based mental health and behavioral interventions within multi-tiered systems of support, to improve student outcomes and eliminate disparities in school discipline policies and practices.
Evaluation of Handle With Care 2.0 – Supporting Students Who Experience Trauma
Handle With Care 2.0 fosters a collaborative relationship between local first responder organizations and schools to identify and support K–12 students who experience trauma.
Evaluation of the Impact and Implementation of Classwide Function-related Intervention Team (CW-FIT) in Elementary Schools
SRI is serving as the independent evaluator to examine the impacts of strategies to scale CW-FIT on student engagement, academic achievement, and teachers’ use of praise and positive support, as well as the extent to which CW-FIT is implemented with fidelity.
Promises and pitfalls of positive behavioral interventions and supports
Students who are Black, Latinx, and Native American are more likely than White students to be suspended or expelled – even when comparing consequences for the same infractions.
Evaluation of Skills for Secondary School Success (4S)
SRI Education evaluation experts are partnering with John’s Hopkins University’s Center for the Social Organization of Schools (JHU CSOS) to measure the impact of its Skills for Secondary School Success (4S) course module.
REL Appalachia Trauma Support for Schools Virtual Summit 2021
In August 2021, the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Appalachia at SRI International hosted the Trauma Support for Schools Summit, a national, virtual event to share research and resources for supporting students and educators experiencing trauma.
Analysis of NAEP Mathematics Process, Outcome, and Survey Data to Understand Test-Taking Behavior and Mathematics Performance of Learners with Disabilities
This project uses innovative statistical and machine learning techniques to understand the differences in test-taking processes of students with and without disabilities.
National Effectiveness Study of First Step to Success
SRI conducted a large-scale study of the effectiveness of an early intervention program intended to help young children at risk for developing antisocial or aggressive behaviors.
Efficacy Study of Check & Connect to Improve Student Outcomes
Check & Connect (C&C) is a comprehensive, manualized student engagement intervention developed to promote school success and completion for secondary school students at high risk of school failure and dropout
Students Exposed to Trauma: A Study of the CBITS Program
SRI researchers are conducting a study of the efficacy of the Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) program.
Effectiveness Study of Tools for Getting Along: Teaching Students to Problem Solve
SRI Education is examining the effectiveness of Tools for Getting Along , an evidence-based social problem-solving curriculum.
Efficacy Study of Discipline in the Secondary Classroom for High Schools
SRI Education is leading an efficacy study of Discipline in the Secondary Classroom (DSC); a positive and proactive approach to classroom management developed by Safe & Civil Schools.