SRI International releases major update to its BioCyc family of websites
SRI International is pleased to announce a major update to the BioCyc family of websites. SRI’s BioCyc solution features a collection of nearly 18,000 Pathway/ Genome Databases (PGDBs) for sequenced bacteria and major eukaryotes and supporting software tools. BioCyc provides a reference on the genomes, metabolic pathways of thousands of sequenced organisms and the regulatory networks of some of the organisms. BioCyc data is obtained by combining computational inferences, import data from other databases, and…
75 Years of Innovation: TerraSight® Software
A high quality, real-time video system for advanced situational understanding
Research infrastructure for 21st century STEM education
Do we need to think differently about what comprises infrastructure?
SRI International receives IARPA contract for rapid, breath-based disease-detection system
SRI International has been awarded a contract under the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) to evaluate whether a novel, prototype technology has the potential to detect COVID-19 and other infectious diseases through exhaled human breath. The rapid, noninvasive technology is designed to provide widespread disease screening in places such as malls, airports, stadiums, emergency…
PBS KIDS’ Molly of Denali teaches children to use informational text
Molly of Denali is a popular new PBS KIDS series focused on informational text
75 Years of Innovation: Open Agent Architecture software (OAA®)
The creation of a computing framework to accommodate the use of distributed agents for faster, more autonomous software packages
Active forensics to defend against cyber grid blackouts
SRI-led team designed a standalone technology called TIGR that uses sensors and machine learning to diagnose and respond to cyber attacks against utilities
75 Years of Innovation: CMOS, complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor
Development of a faster, less power-hungry version of a metal oxide semiconductor
SRI Ventures’ Latent AI named to the 2021 CB Insights AI 100 List of Most Innovative Artificial Intelligence Startups
Latent AI honored for their simplified and accessible Adaptive AI development platform
SRI International Spinoff Nuance Communications acquired by Microsoft for $19.7 Billion
SRI continues to innovate in speech processing and artificial intelligence, nurturing the next generation of spinoff ventures
Award-winning Driver Monitoring System helps improve safety
SRI researchers teach AI system to recognize human emotional states and react accordingly
75 Years of Innovation: Abacus Drive
One of the only new fixed-ratio rotary transmissions since the Harmonic Drive debuted in the 1960’s