
  • Science and Engineering Indicators Give Policy Makers Better Information for Data-Based Decisions

    Science and Engineering Indicators Give Policy Makers Better Information for Data-Based Decisions

    TheĀ National Science BoardĀ recently releasedĀ Science and Engineering Indicators (SEI) 2016, the premier source of quantitative information on the state of U.S. and international science, engineering, technology, and education. The report provides high-quality, objective data on a range of S&E indicators that help inform data-driven policy making. SRI managed the compilation of data for over 100 indicators…

  • Assessing the Value of Social Capital for Youth Across Multiple Learning Environments

    Assessing the Value of Social Capital for Youth Across Multiple Learning Environments

    Over the last several years, an area of focus in the education field has been to create pathways for youth to connect their learning experiences with their interests and future career opportunitiesā€“the idea being that students will be more engaged and invested in their education if it is relevant to them. Many of these pathways…

  • Measuring Student Learning about Computing

    Measuring Student Learning about Computing

    President Obamaā€™s recent initiative,Ā Computer Science for AllĀ (CS4All), emphasizes the need to teach computer science (CS) as part of the regular K-12 curriculum. An important part of teaching is measuring learning. For example, teachers need to measure learning so that they can better help students learn. Likewise, students and parents want schools to document what students…

  • Identity: The Critical Security Factor

    Identity: The Critical Security Factor

    There are many factors that impact the effectiveness of security programs, ranging from camera selection and placement, to the password strength policy and even the reliability of power systems. But, perhaps the single most critical factor for security is one that cuts across many aspects of its implementation: the concept of identity. Many aspects of…

  • Balancing Widespread Use and Positive Learning Impacts of Educational Technology

    Balancing Widespread Use and Positive Learning Impacts of Educational Technology

    Today, technology developers can get their innovations into the hands of many users quickly, giving them the opportunity to gather user feedback they can use for product improvement. Educational technology product design is no exception, as illustrated by the Khan Academy, which grew from a few YouTube videos to a million users in less than…

  • Teacher Professional Development Can Make a Positive Impact on Studentsā€™ Writing Skills

    Teacher Professional Development Can Make a Positive Impact on Studentsā€™ Writing Skills

    Effective communication skills are crucial for students as they prepare for college, careers and civic engagement. Acknowledging the importance of writing, states across the nation have adopted new standards to advance studentsā€™ writing skills; however, most students are not experiencing instruction that aligns with those standards. Because the new standards require a new way of…

  • High-Impact Innovation in Government is Within Reach

    High-Impact Innovation in Government is Within Reach

    For decades, governments have been concerned with the capacity of their residents and institutions to pursue science- and technology-based innovation widely accepted as the foundation of sustainable economic growth. Only recently have public entities begun to focus on the importance of innovation in how they carry out their own public missions. Recognizing the need to…

  • Access to International Baccalaureate Programs in the United States Increases for Low-Income Students

    Access to International Baccalaureate Programs in the United States Increases for Low-Income Students

    Since it was established in 1968 to provide high schools students with qualifications that are recognized by universities around the world, the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme has developed a reputation for rigorous academic standards. Students who score well enough on individual IB exams can earn college credit for their high school IB coursework. In…

  • Empowering Adults to Thrive at Work: Personal Success Skills for 21st Century Jobs

    Empowering Adults to Thrive at Work: Personal Success Skills for 21st Century Jobs

    SRI Education and The Joyce Foundation have released aĀ reportĀ that maps out how evidence-based research provides guidance for promoting personal success skills for adults who are striving to build 21st century careers.Ā  Personal success skills are the capabilitiesā€”complementary to disciplinary and technical knowledgeā€”that enable adults to deal with the challenges, relationships, transitions, and social systems that…

  • Radiative Cooling Holds Promise for Thermoelectric Power Plants

    Radiative Cooling Holds Promise for Thermoelectric Power Plants

    The U.S. Department ofĀ Energyā€™s ARPA-E ARIDĀ program is exploring novel ways to use air-cooled heat exchangers and supplemental cooling systems to carry away waste heat in thermoelectric power generation.

  • Combining Capabilities to Address the Zika Emergency

    Combining Capabilities to Address the Zika Emergency

    Although discovered in the late 1940s, the Zika virus was not well studied until recently. Zika is not a life-threatening disease for adults, and didnā€™t attract the attention of most researchers who study mosquito-borne diseases until this past year, when the number of cases increased dramatically in South and Central America. In fact, itā€™s likely…

  • Progress Toward Quality K-12 STEM Education: Resources for Policymakers, Researchers and Educators

    Progress Toward Quality K-12 STEM Education: Resources for Policymakers, Researchers and Educators

    STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education quality has a major impact on economic prosperity. InĀ the 20thĀ century, more than half of the growth in income per capita in the United States was due to advances inĀ science and technology.Ā Yet today, 15-year-olds in the U.S. score below their counterparts in 21 countries on the Program for International…