
  • Promising Model for Supporting Beginning Teachers

    Promising Model for Supporting Beginning Teachers

    Imagine being a new teacher, thrust into your first classroom and given sole responsibility for managing the students, planning and executing the lessons, and assessing student learning. Imagine your first teaching experience being in a school with high teacher turnover, high student mobility, and limited resources to support you, working with students whose needs—financial and…

  • Can Digital Learning Technologies Help Address the Needs of Low-Skilled Adults?

    Can Digital Learning Technologies Help Address the Needs of Low-Skilled Adults?

    It is widely known that the U.S. is facing a shortage of skilled labor. According to a report released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, more than 36 million adults in the U.S. do not have the basic literacy and math skills needed for entry-level jobs – that’s about 1 in 6 adults.…

  • Manufacturing Next-generation Robotic Manipulation

    Manufacturing Next-generation Robotic Manipulation

    Every April, National Robotics Week fuels a heightened awareness around robotics, its impact on society, and its growing importance in a wide variety of fields and applications. Robotics, however, never seems to achieve its hyped potential from its beginnings in industrial applications, when the benefits of fast, precise, repetitive manipulation in manufacturing were a significant driver for…

  • Insights from Linked Learning into Equitable Career Pathway Implementation

    Insights from Linked Learning into Equitable Career Pathway Implementation

    In SRI International’s new brief, Access and Equity in Linked Learning, we share what we’ve learned about the promise and challenges of achieving equitable, career-themed pathways from our 7-year study of Linked Learning. Linked Learning is an approach to transforming the high school experience by creating academically rigorous, career-themed pathways in either stand-alone small schools or academies within large…

  • Autonomy: from Shakey to the Future

    Autonomy: from Shakey to the Future

    The Shakey robot, built at SRI International in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, was the world’s first mobile robot to perceive its environment, figure out how to execute goals given by the user, and then perform actions.  Artificial intelligence (AI) researchers today are still working on these problems, in ever more complex environments and…

  • Preventing Expulsions in Early Childhood and Supporting All Children’s Success

    Preventing Expulsions in Early Childhood and Supporting All Children’s Success

    Researchers at SRI Education have created an interactive guide with set of recommended policies and practices to support early education program leaders in reducing and preventing suspensions and expulsions.

  • SRI: A Start-Up Celebrating its 70th Year

    SRI: A Start-Up Celebrating its 70th Year

    To those who see Silicon Valley as a cauldron of youthful creative talent leaping from start-up to start-up, finding one such start-up about to celebrate its 70th year might be surprising.  One also might be curious how this longevity, centered in such a turbulent business environment, has occurred.  While the real reasons are undoubtedly complex, having…

  • 70 Years of SRI Innovation

    70 Years of SRI Innovation

    It is gratifying to look back on 70 years of innovation at SRI and to reflect on the high-impact solutions that our independent, nonprofit research institute has brought to the world. Although the world has changed dramatically since our founding in 1946, there is a thread that weaves through SRI’s history that connects the SRI…

  • Sharing Promising Practices in STEM Teacher Leadership

    Sharing Promising Practices in STEM Teacher Leadership

    Recently, researchers from SRI Education and Policy Studies Associates (PSA) collaborated with expert practitioners on the development of an exciting resource for the U.S. Department of Education:, a website that addresses promising practices and challenges for preparing teachers to become Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) teacher leaders. STEM teacher leaders can play a crucial…

  • Leveraging Free Zones as Centers of Innovation

    Leveraging Free Zones as Centers of Innovation

    Free zones are geographic government-designated zones where business, trade, and tax laws differ from the rest of the country. Known also as free economic zones, special economic zones, or free ports, depending on their structure and purpose, they provide incentives such as abated taxes and fewer regulations to encourage overseas companies to set up local…

  • DoD R&D: Connecting Innovation Hubs

    DoD R&D: Connecting Innovation Hubs

    This week, SRI kicked off the first in a series of discussions with key research and technology leaders in federal government agencies, Congress and the private sector, exploring the best ways of identifying and nurturing new innovations and technologies that can help solve some of government’s most difficult challenges. Tuesday’s meeting focused on connecting US…

  • Report Tackles Assessment Design for Next Generation Science Standards

    Report Tackles Assessment Design for Next Generation Science Standards

    If the new science standards could be summed up in one grand sentence, it would likely be – “It is not what you know, but how you use and apply what you know that makes a real difference for science learning.” The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) emphasize that all students should learn science by…