
  • Using the Immune System to Fight Cancer

    Using the Immune System to Fight Cancer

    My group at SRI Biosciences is driven by the idea of a “magic bullet” drug that can home in on a particular cell type and avoid healthy cells. This notion of a magic bullet has been around for 100 years, but finding molecules that recognize the address of a particular cell is challenging. In other words, how…

  • Brazil Visits SRI to Discuss Its Economic Development Roadmap

    Brazil Visits SRI to Discuss Its Economic Development Roadmap

    SRI International had the honor of hosting President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil and her top ministers during her recent visit to the United States. Brazil is a huge country with a wealth of natural resources and a population of more than 200 million. Yet, as it tries to move from an industrial-based economy to an innovation economy, it faces a number of…

  • Mentoring Girls in Computer Science

    Mentoring Girls in Computer Science

    Despite the healthy buzz around introducing children to computer science and coding in the K-12 years, there is a stark reality with which we contend: precipitously low numbers of girls and underserved minorities are studying computing in the United States. Despite many efforts to close this gap, figures of test-takers from recent advanced placement exams…

  • Monterey County Taps SRI for Innovation-Led Economic Development

    Monterey County Taps SRI for Innovation-Led Economic Development

    Recently, SRI issued its final report of economic recommendations for Monterey County, California. The report captured several months of work by SRI’s Center for Science, Technology and Economic Development in collaboration with the county’s Economic Development Department—to drive sustainable economic in the region. We are pleased that the county is now looking at how to implement SRI’s findings, and…

  • Boosting Brazil’s Economy with Innovation

    Boosting Brazil’s Economy with Innovation

    Brazil, historically a resource- and industrial-based economy, must become a knowledge-based economy to achieve its economic and social goals. This will require significant investments in science and technology to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship and accelerate economic development. Santa Catarina, one of the southernmost states in Brazil, has set the stage for this transformation. SRI was…

  • Lack of School Nurses in California Puts School Children at Risk

    Lack of School Nurses in California Puts School Children at Risk

    Much of the work we do at SRI Education looks at policies and their effects on children and youth, especially those at risk for academic failure because of poverty or disability. Research has long established that children with special health care needs are at increased risk of school failure for a number of reasons including…

  • New Ed Tech Developer’s Guide Outlines Path for Developing Digital Tools and Apps that Address Critical Educational Needs

    New Ed Tech Developer’s Guide Outlines Path for Developing Digital Tools and Apps that Address Critical Educational Needs

    Significant strides have been made in leveraging technology for learning in today’s K-12 schools, from increased access to the Internet through President Obama’s ConnectED initiative, to the availability of more affordable tools and devices, to rich digital content for more engaging learning experiences. Yet there are still a number of unmet needs in education that technology could…

  • Balancing Innovation and Efficacy to Improve Education

    Balancing Innovation and Efficacy to Improve Education

    The story of technology in education is too often the story of a rollercoaster ride: the anticipatory climb to new heights of innovation, the thrilling stories about teachers’ and students’ initial use of new tools, and the terrifying plummet once evidence of low impact rolls in. Technology has undeniable promise for improving learning; yet the evidence is often too hard…

  • The Convergence of Mobility, Personalization and Security

    The Convergence of Mobility, Personalization and Security

    New product innovation is as much about making advanced technology accessible to a broader market as it is about adding wow-factor features. Iris authentication—once a niche component of high-end security systems—will debut in compact, cost-competitive form factors at this year’s ISC West security industry trade show. SRI International will demonstrate several new Iris on the MoveÂź-powered solutions, including…

  • SRI Leads Research Team to Next Phase of Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health XPRIZE Competition

    SRI Leads Research Team to Next Phase of Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health XPRIZE Competition

    The health of the world’s oceans impacts all of our lives, because oceans are much like the lungs of our planet, albeit acting in reverse—consuming carbon dioxide (CO2) and releasing oxygen. The Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health XPRIZE aims to improve understanding of how CO2 emissions are acidifying the oceans through a $2 million competition to create pH sensor…

  • Soft Robots Are Reshaping the Future of Robotics

    Soft Robots Are Reshaping the Future of Robotics

    Unlike traditional robots, nature offers hard and soft structures, actuators, sensors, and grippers that achieve many of these capabilities. Soft structures and systems are also inherently safer when interacting with people.

  • Future Ready Schools Learning Guide Offers Lessons for Connected Schools

    Future Ready Schools Learning Guide Offers Lessons for Connected Schools

    President Obama, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, and Office of Educational Technology (OET) Director Richard Culatta recently convened “ConnectED to the Future,” a gathering of more than 100 school district superintendents and other education leaders at the White House. On the agenda: increasing broadband connectivity access to and throughout schools as well as planning for the…